Commandez aujourd'hui et recevez votre plante sous 2 jours ouvrés 🚚

BY CHARLOT for business
voyageur business

By Charlot for Business


More than just decorative objects, By Charlot plants and candles create a new art of living where beauty is revealed and cultivated on all occasions.

For any questions, contact us at:

Business gifts

By Charlot attaches particular importance to the art of giving. Name, first name, date of the event, message or logo: personalisation is at the heart of the experience. Thanks to their fully customizable label, By Charlot's plants and candles are a unique, original and elegant business gift that will allow you to convey your brand image and messages to your partners, clients or employees.

BY CHARLOT for business

Plant decoration

By Charlot works hand in hand with companies wishing to add a touch of originality and distinction to their spaces. Many hotels, restaurants and shops choose us for our ability to create unique and customised interior decoration while respecting the personality and spirit of the place.

Our Commitments

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Customer Reviews

"The plants arrived well packaged and in a beautiful box.", Alexandra Diaz "Our guests were delighted to leave with a plant By Charlot”, Flavie lecuyer "A nice touch delivered quickly and very responsive customer service", Anne-Sophie Bielawski

Discover our last projects

voyageur business
chaleureux business
flambeur business
Le Fantastique plante verte by charlot business

They have trusted us


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